Waco, TX Plant & Office:
1100 Winchell Drive
Waco,TX 76712
- Positioned on 102 acres of property. 207,000 s.f. under roof and 65 acres of outdoor stabilized material storage area.

Schertz, TX Plant:
9893 Doerr Ln.
Schertz, TX 78154
- CTIW Schertz plant – Positioned on 35 acres of stabilized area with 177,000 s.f. of fabrication area under roof.

Handling Equipment (15′ to 30′ Hook Height)
- One 40 ton P&H Bridge Crane
- One 10 ton P&H Bridge Crane
- One 20 ton OMI Bridge Crane
- One 20 ton Demag Bridge Crane
- Seventeen 5 ton Cranes
- Three 3 ton OMI Gantries
- Two 5 ton OMI Cranes
Fabrication Equipment
- 2- Plasma Punch Plate Machines
- 2 -Plasma 10xy and Oxy fuel Plate Drills
- One Peddinghaus FPB Plate Processing (1-1/4″ x 6′ x 20′)
- One Peddinghaus FDB 2500 Plate Processing Table (3” x 8’ x 20’)
- One Messer Plasma Table (8″ x 10′ x 60′)
- One Plate Punch Duplicator
- Two Anglemaster AFPS 623 (6” x 6” x ½”)
- Two Robotic Plasma Beam Processing Machines
- One Anglemaster AFCPS 823 (8”x 8” x 3/4”)
- 3 Drill Lines
- Two Peddinghaus BDL 1250 9 Axis, 9 Spindle Drill Line
- One Beam Punch
- 6 Structural Saws
- Three Peddinghaus Structural Saws
- One Beam Splitter – 4 Torch
- One Beam Coping/Miter Machine
- Two Hundred Welding Power Sources
- One 4 Wheel Pangborn Shot Blast Machine
- One 12 Wheel BCP Blast Products Machine w/Indoor Blast Booth