CTIW has an extensive quality assurance program that is committed to quality and service for our customers with annual audits by AISC (American Institute of Steel Construction) and the Canadian Welding Bureau. Additionally, our quality program has a Type I Structural approved license by the City of Los Angeles.
CTIW’s four AWS QC1 qualified inspectors have 81 years of experience in the business who oversees quality dimensional checks and welding inspection of each fabricated piece mark.
In-house ASNT qualified personnel are available to perform Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) utilizing ultrasonic, magnetic particle and liquid penetrate testing methods.
CTIW’s quality assurance program contact:
Rick Gutierrez
QA/QC Manager
254 751 5172

American Institute of Steel Construction
- Certified for Steel Buildings & Structures Fabrication
- Certified for Sophisticated Paint Coating Endorsement (for enclosed painting facility)
American Welding Society
- AWS qualified to D1.1
- ASME qualified to Section IX
Canadian Welding Bureau
- CWB certified to CSA Standard W47.1 in Division 2.1
Types of weld processes:
- Flux core arc welding (FCAW-SS/GS)
- Submerged arc welding (SAW)
- Shielded metal arc welding (SMAW)
- Gas tungsten arc welding (GTAW)
- Gas metal arc welding (GMAW)
Authorized Codes
- American Society for Testing Materials
- American Society of Non-Destructive Testing
Civil Engineering Certifications
- State of Texas
- State of Missouri